Matthew J. Palm
May 23, 2023
...each emotional beat plays with a naturalness in the acting that grounds this tale of two men in need of redemption in urgent reality.
“Grabbing the Hammer Lane: A Trucker Narrative” (Brown venue, 60 minutes): A father, a son and a great divide born of hurt is at the heart of this poignant drama. Playwright David M. Proctor plays both roles, telling essentially two views of the same story: Long-distance trucker Matt is speaking with a therapist after a falling out with his father. (The titular “Hammer Lane” is a trucking reference, but you don’t need to know anything about the industry to be pulled into the show.)
It’s a fascinating portrait of family dynamics, the hurt caused by words and the disappointment caused by unfulfilled expectations. As directed by Proctor and Marlon Burnley, though, each emotional beat plays with a naturalness in the acting that grounds this tale of two men in need of redemption in urgent reality.
— Matthew J. Palm